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Trying to build rapport with prospects is overrated

Feb 14, 2025

I used to think building rapport with prospects on LinkedIn was necessary.

But now I think most of the rapport-building is a waste of time.

I'm not reaching out to make new friends. And my prospects aren’t looking for one either.

Prospects want solutions to problems. Not another person who's trying to make small talk with them on social media.

So now when I prospect, I get straight to the point. I ask questions about their business to see if I can be a solution for them.

  • If they're interested, great - I'll send an overview video or we'll book a demo call together
  • If they're not interested right now, great - I'll follow up in the future
  • If they're not interested at all, great - I’ll politely end the conversation so neither of us wastes more time

At this point in my life, I don’t care whether a prospect is interested or not. I know that most won’t be—that’s just how sales works.

But I sure as hell don't want to waste my time - I can't get that back.

Wish I had learned this sooner. Hopefully, you can learn from my mistakes.

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