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Think LinkedIn prospecting doesn't work? Here's the raw truth.

Feb 10, 2025

Prospect: "I have tried LinkedIn outreach and it doesn't work"

Me: "Sorry to hear that. How many invites have you sent?"

Prospect: "A few hundred"

...a few hundred... Are you KIDDING me?!

A few hundred invites isn't a lot. That only takes a week and a half to do.

So if you are going to have the audacity to tell me that LinkedIn outreach doesn't work, you better have some serious data to back that claim up.

As in, you better have sent at least 4,860 invites on here. That's EVERY single day for 6 months straight.

For context - I've personally sent over 42,000 invites on here. And LinkedIn outreach has worked VERY well for me. Well enough that I was able to sell my last business because of it.

So don't say LinkedIn outreach doesn't work just because you didn't have success with it.

Plus, quantity isn't the only factor here - you can do a lot of outreach on LinkedIn and still get 0 results if you're doing it the wrong way.

There's a way right to do it, and MANY wrong ways. So you gotta have the right approach.

And if the above info wasn't convincing enough, listen to what Gary Vaynerchuk has to say in this 53-second video.

A couple of notes from the video...

  • a lot" is relative.
  • when Gary says "1 out of 500", I believe he's specifically talking about when reaching out to investors to raise capital. For the normal person in sales (you) reaching out, the conversation rates are MUCH better than 1 out of every 500.

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